Dasavatharam sivaji
Dasavatharam sivaji



After seeing this, one only hoped that K.S.Ravikumar had been given a free hand in the making of this movie, for one can see Kamal's finger prints in just about anything and everything in the movie. The jokes just did not stick in the overall narrative of the movie. The Balram Naidu character was the only one that had some funny dialogs but even they were lost in this huge mess that Kamal had created in the name of screenplay. The dialogs were pathetic with the conversation between Kamal & Asin in the climax taking the cake. But then, you will be left disappointed bcos Kamal had other important things to do - introduce the next of his 10 useless avathaars. It looked like Kamal had watched movies like Babel and Crash, one too many times.There were times when there will be a sequence that will evince interest in us and make us look forward to the following scenes. Characters and incidents come & go for no reason whatsoever. The screenplay was terrible, to say the least.

dasavatharam sivaji


Is this a movie that was made to fulfill Kamal's egoistic ambitions to be the first actor to don 10 roles? heck, YES. Is this some serious movie that conveys some sort of message to us, as to why and whether God exists? NO. Is this an action thriller that keeps the viewer at the edge of his seat throughout the movie, with a crisp screenplay? NO.

dasavatharam sivaji

Is this another full-fledged comedy from the KSR-Kamal combination, much like Thenali & Panchathanthiram? NO. The biggest problem for me with the movie was that it does not fall under any genre. Indian was released more than a decade ago and if a movie that is released all these years later could not even match 50% of the makeup success that was accomplished in Indian, it speaks so badly about the main in charge - Kamal himself. If you thought Indian thaathaa was bad, get ready to face Kamal's version of George Bush & Fletcher. One had to cringe when some of the make-ups were shown in close-ups. Plus, the terrible make-ups didn't help either. Seriously, there was no reason for him to come in this many roles except of course, to fulfill his thirst for wasting another producer's hard-earned money.

dasavatharam sivaji

But after a few minutes into the movie as the other roles were introduced, it became such a pain to watch Kamal come in every single important role in the movie. I couldn't decipher what most of them were talking. The movie actually started off in an interesting fashion though one had to read the subtitles to understand what was going on. So, as I entered the movie hall tonight, I was going in with relatively less expectations since IMO, there has not been a perfect Kamal movie since Mahanadhi happened all those years ago. Kamal's movies usually have some pretty good songs and I can't recall the last movie of Kamal that had such awful songs.

dasavatharam sivaji

And when the audio & later the trailer was released a month back, I was like ' Seriously, is this what they could come up with after 2 years of filming?' To say the songs were terrible, would be an understatement. So, naturally, the very thought of Kamal in various prosthetic makeups completely put me off and I had already stopped looking forward to the movie. I have never been a big fan of Kamal's make-up adventures. Let me see where I can start - right when the movie was announced where it was revealed that Kamal will come in 10 roles, I was never even remotely looking forward to this movie.

Dasavatharam sivaji